Photo Essays: a series I share once a month of photos that tell a cohesive visual story—client work or personal work. All photos: © Olivia Marie Olszewski. Please reach out to license or order prints.
I took these photos of my grandmother under Japanese Maple trees in front of our family home while we admired new blooms of the season. Grandma’s thoughts on the experience: “I feel sexy!” (her actual words)
At the time, I was her caregiver, and now that role is solely my mother’s. Once in a while I step in when my mother needs to regain her sanity. Caring for someone full time is extremely challenging and my heart goes out to all the people who have the patience, love, and empathy to do so.
My grandmother has dementia and is wheel chair bound, except for the occasional therapy sessions where she uses all her strength to walk from one side of the living room to the other. I love her dearly and as I get older, I see we have a lot more in common than I thought. I cherish the time I get to spend with her and these photos will forever have a special place in my heart.
With spring blooms,
P.S. Now booking photoshoots for you, your brand, or your abuelita. Check out details here and send an inquiry here.
This brought tears to my eyes, Olivia! Your abuelita is beautiful and yes, sexy! Sweet, sweet photos!