Lighting the Creative Fire...Again.
Reminding myself of why I chose the creative path in the first place.
I'm on the verge of burn out.
The creative flame that was so bright when I first started my business or on the edge of an exciting project, is flickering and ready to die.
As I tune into my body, I notice a stress line from my left temple to my shoulder. A familiar heaviness like a metal rod—stuck, preventing me from seeing the bigger picture.
All I could do, was lie on the floor of my studio and listen.
Years of learning and practicing the art of body wisdom, I still forget: our body has the answers.
As I listened, I heard, "enough...enough!...ENOUGH! You're carrying too much."
And when I listened closer, to the layer underneath, my body said, "YOU are ENOUGH."
This prompted silent screaming (yes, this is a thing), crying, squirming, kicking, and punching. All the things we're told NOT to do as a child, let alone as an adult.
I laid in silence and peeled back each layer of the onion (I'm the onion) and searched for the pure, vibrating core.
I asked, "why am I doing this?"
Freedom to quit a suffocating job so we can live out our dreams of being an artist.
Freedom to leave a relationship that sucks the life out of our freedom and cages us into silence, and do what we are told.
Freedom to wear whatever the fuck we want, without worrying about what other people think or if that choice will garner unwanted attention.
Freedom to speak up and say no to people who don't bring us joy and support our freedom.
Freedom to pick up and go to Bali for a month because fuck, we deserve a break from this stale suburban life.
Freedom to get those photos of yourself because your body is a beautiful reflection of nature, universe, and love.
Now, I know we all don't have the freedom to do all of the above. It starts with believing and imagining that it's possible.
Then taking small, medium, and big steps to get there.
Why am I doing this?
To help you touch freedom.
Oh my. These words, this feeling. Wholeheartedly relatable.